What We Do
Car & Taxi MOT tests start from just £30!
We will service your car whenever you need it done
We can undertake major and minor Accident Repair work and work with your insurer
Accident Repair
We can work on all makes and models of cars and repair anything!
General Repairs
From chips & scuffs to full resprays using low bake oven
We can undertake all types of auto electrical work on site
Electrical Work
All sizes and makes of tyre are catered for. Prices available on request.
Brakes & Tyres
Batteries supplied and fitted for all makes and models of car
Exhausts and Catalytic Convertors supplied, fitted or repaired when possible
Free Estimates On All Work
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Contact Us
- A&S Services, Block D, Geddings Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0NT
01992 445733 (This line is open until 11pm for emergencies 7 days per week)